The Best Ways To Choose A Perfect Bride Flower Bouquet For Your Wedding

bride flower bouquet

A wedding is an expensive event to plan, and alternatives to the traditional wedding bride flower bouquet can reduce your costs. When you think of a wedding bouquet, two main choices come to mind, one is traditional teardrop bouquet and the round bouquet. There are many other choices when it comes to choosing a wedding bouquet, and here some of those will be addressed. For simple, informal modern weddings, many brides will choose just a few flower stems. The bridesmaids might have only a single long-stemmed rose along with or without ribbons. While the bride might have three long-stemmed roses tied with a ribbon. Simple and elegant, this choice usually extends to the reception tables having a single long-stemmed rose in a vase on each table.

A vast variety of flower bouquet that most of the brides like to use:

The long-stemmed roses of the bride and bridesmaids are able to be used on the head table to complete the look. Smaller weddings allow for small bouquets, and in this situation, the bride has a few choices. A circular bouquet or posy with ribbons is a nice choice. A posy is by definition a small bunch of flowers. A circular posy is when the flowers are arranged in a circular shape, or the posy can be a standard small bunch of flowers. Both posy styles can be accented with ribbon, or not, but most often a ribbon in the wedding colours accent the flower bouquet. These posies can be used on the head table as centrepieces, and similar flower centrepieces can be used on the reception room tables.

Medium size weddings often work well with a spray of flowers. A spray as they are referred to is usually a bunch of long-stemmed flowers held sideways along the arm as the bride walks down the aisle. Flower sprays can be held upright, and either way, they are usually accented with ribbon. Wedding bride flowers bouquet are usually the same as the wedding bouquet style is chosen, so in this case, the reception tables would have sprays of flowers in a vase. The flower sprays of the bride and bridesmaids can be used as decoration on the head table.

Special arrangements of bride flower bouquet for larger weddings:

Larger weddings usually have a more extravagant bride flower bouquet, and the classic choice is the teardrop bouquet or the trailing teardrop bouquet. The shape of this bouquet is like an upside-down teardrop, large and full at the top, tapering down to just a few flowers. A trailing teardrop trails down further than the classic teardrop-shaped bouquet. When couples choose this type of bouquet, the wedding reception flowers tend to be equally extravagant with large trumpet vases holding lovely sprays of flowers.

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