How Asian Weddings Are Different From British Weddings?

Asian Weddings

Looking for Asian weddings? A wedding is a special event that keeps a great importance in the life of a couple. If you are to be wed soon, you prefer to spend time on your preparations.

No matter if you are planning Asian weddings or British, you always run out of time. No doubt, preparations take a lot of time.

Traditions and customs are always different in British and Asian cultures. Both can’t be mixed up and that’s an understood thing. You can see a huge difference between both communities, so their culture is different. Asians are a step ahead when it comes to organizing events. Do you agree?

The arranged marriage is the beauty of weddings that happen in Asia, while British culture appreciates love marriages. In the British community, parents appreciate it if their kids search for a perfect pair. Here in Asian culture, arranged marriage concept is common. The wedding arrangements are also different in both communities.

Both cultures take wedding arrangements seriously, but the difference is big. In the Asian community, the couples hardly meet each other, while in other cultures there is no limit. The couple understands each other before getting ready for the wedding.

Asian Weddings

They spend quality time before the wedding, while in Asian culture wedding  there is no such concept. Parents and elders step forward and plan everything for their kids. The number of guests also varies in both weddings. Asians prefer to invite maximum people to their events, while British only invite a limited number of people that are close friends.

The brown people invite friends of friends and gather up to 1000 people at weddings. Therefore, white people don’t invite extras. They just focus on limited gathering and that’s their ultimate goal. What comes next after inviting guests?

The next is to choose the venue. Brown people choose luxury venues for the wedding, while white people are not crazy about the venue. They even celebrate weddings in church. Have you ever seen the best wedding venue in Brisbane? Asians must know about the best locations.

Catering is the next thing to manage in a wedding function. You’ll see a limited number of catering suppliers at the wedding of white people, while the strength is more in the weddings of Asians. Is it true?

Food quality is also an important point to discuss. Both communities don’t compromise on food quality, as you’ll see delicious food in both British and Asian weddings. Do you have any doubt?

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